A-Camp June 2016 was a damn good time. We split into thematic teams to battle it out in the Rainbow Wars, loved Shibari Rope Bondage so much it required a second session, learned feminist beer history, chatted with the author of lesbian YA novel “Juliet Takes a Breath,” learned magic, made DIY Oracle cards, got an intro to Queer Astrology, learned to Strip for our Honeydip, got in bed with the A+ Podcast, dished about our Daddy Issues, demolished Harry Potter Trivia and hosted a QTPOC Speakeasy Healing Session.
On our last day, we hosted SXSW spin-off CampXCampCamp, which was full of surprises and special guests: a gourmet lunch from Soho Taco, for starters. But also: a screening of and a panel with the cast of trans TV show “Her Story,” a screening of and a panel with the cast and producers of Outfest winner “Suicide Kale,” a Drawn to Comics Live! discussion with Kate Leth, Shannon Watters, Brittney Williams, Anna Bongiovanni & Cameron Glavin; and a talk on Telling Our (Digital) Stories with Gaby Dunn, Jen Richards, Laura Zak, Kristin Russo and Brittani Nichols. (Or maybe you skipped it for happy hour at the Bluebird cabin. No judging!)
The talent this time was particularly unstoppable: Comedian Dannielle Owens-Reid taught us how to live our best lives, Writer/Comedian Brittani Nichols hosted Hamilton Karaoke and super-famous comedians Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher joined us for a night of comedy introduced by the always-hilarious Elicia Sanchez. We got up close & personal with incredible musicians: Julia Nunes brought the living room tour into Eagle, Jenny Owen Youngs did it all in a tiger suit, Mal Blum sang about Baltimore and Bell’s Roar wowed the crowd with their own brand of infectious beats.
At the end of the week, we got dressed up in our weirdest outfits ever for the Met Gala Ball and danced the night away, wishing we could stay on the mountain forever and ever.